Bathing Beauty


Bathing Beauty

This video discusses how to operate the Bathing Beauty deep coat cleansing system in your Hanvey Grooming Van:

To turn on the Bathing Beauty, press the corresponding air bulb on the wall next to the tub. The air bulb is a non-electrical switch designed for the safety of the user to avoid contacting electrical switches with wet hands.

The nozzle on the Bathing Beauty has a regulator flow valve that controls the water pressure of the system. On its low setting, the flow is gentle enough for face washing and on its high setting, it delivers a powerful blast of water for flushing out the coat and delivering shampoo to the roots of the hair.

After each use, make sure to hang the hose back up on the clip on the wall so that the water in the hose drains out and doesn't sit stagnant. We recommend regular cleaning of this system with a hot water and vinegar solution, but even after a cleaning, you'll want to hang the hose to avoid a "spoiled water" smell that can occur in stagnant water and small spaces.

There is a lot of supporting "tips and tricks" content for the Bathing Beauty on FaceBook. Simply search "Mobile Grooming the Hanvey Way", request to join, and ask around. The groomers there will be happy to help!

More videos on using the Bathing Beauty are on the way. If you have any suggestions or requests for instructional content, contact us here and let us know.

If you need further assistance on this topic, please call our office line at 864-269-2912.

Thank you so much for being the most important member of the Hanvey Family!