Fast Charger

The Fast Charger port is located at the rear of the vehicle's driver's side. It features a weatherproof seal and must be fully closed when not in use. The Fast Charger is rated for 240v 20amps. It requires an electrician to install a dedicated circuit and outlet where the van will be charged within 50 feet of the van park location.

Note: Reference supporting documentation for a list of plug types and electrician information. For additional help, support, and information about the fast charger please contact support@gohanvey.com.

The Fast Charger Part 2 To use the Fast Charger, ensure the breaker is in the “UP” position, and the red indicator is visible. This indicates the charger is energized. The Fast Charger is only active when it is plugged in with the fast charging cord. The Fast Charger is a 5kw charger. The charging speed starts at a high rate and slows down after it hits 60% state of charge. Charging from 0-80% takes roughly 7 hours.